The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160385   Message #3815698
Posted By: akenaton
20-Oct-16 - 11:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Trump again
Subject: RE: BS: Trump again
A very interesting Post DMcG.......but bias can be very subtle as I tried to explain earlier.
Now you are obviously a supporter of Mrs Clinton from your previous posts and I couldn't help but notice that you referred to Mr Trump as "Trump" and Mrs Clinton as "Hillary" throughout the post.
As UKer, that signifies bias to me though it may have been unintended, the media do it all the time a constant drip drip, be it against Mr Trump, "The Russians", President Assad, or Mr Corbyn, depending who is media "Monster of the Week"

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that there has been huge bias against Mr Trump, right from the beginning of the process from the Media, Democrats and Republicans.....Now that would make most thinking people believe that the US political establishment are closing ranks and attempting to subvert democracy....would it not?

The US political system is based on a sham democracy and the election of Mrs Clinton will ensure that sham is continued. Mr McGrath says that "at least she admitted to being wrong over Iraq", but she then compounded the mistake a further two times.....including her chortling response to the vicious murder of the Libyan head of State.

Was that the action of someone who understands foreign affairs...I think not.