The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48629   Message #3816336
Posted By: Steve Shaw
24-Oct-16 - 07:37 PM
Thread Name: Help: Meaning: Farewell Angelina
Subject: RE: Help: Meaning: Farewell Angelina
Well his analysis is an attempt to explain something using words that he doesn't think he can really explain in words. There's something that doesn't really work for me there.

Words are a totally human invention. Clumsy, approximate and strained in turn, at times. Ninety percent of poetry, Shakespeare and song lyrics just don't do it for me at all (the other ten percent is pure, spun gold - I'm not that much of a philistine). I was force-fed Wordsworth at school and I think he was so up his own bum that he had very little to say to real human beings. Jesus, how easily conditioned we are.

Music is a different kettle of fish. Music can't really complement words other than being a vehicle for them. Music as a language (wrong word as it happens) is totally alien to words. It's a different emotional phenomenon. Words can't describe what music does to us. Once you free music from the constraint of verbal description, you've liberated it forever. If you listen to Bach, Beethoven or Mozart and say that you find bits of it happy, sad, gloomy, regal, portentous, whatever, you're denying the music its real channel of communication to you. Once you let it have its own way of getting to you without the need for the banality of words to describe it, well your reward won't be in heaven, your reward will BE heaven. Works for me anyway!