The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2053   Message #3816603
Posted By: GUEST
26-Oct-16 - 10:12 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Fields of Athenry (Pete St.John)
Subject: RE: Origins: Fields of Athenry
My friend Martin wanted to sing this song but because of the football problem scandal that was going on this did not make him very happy at first but myself and my mum and the rest of my group Braveheart said this is not a song for entertaining for old folks homes but when he made an album of him singing songs the person he was working on the backing track for this album who I can't name was impressed by his record and the album is a success in my music record collection. Peter St. John the writer of this song I can not get a record the song as far I know the first record was by a folk singer called Paddy Riley cause that is how I first heard the song and that is how Marten my friend got to no it.