The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6548   Message #38168
Posted By: Ezio
15-Sep-98 - 02:55 AM
Thread Name: Origin: Avondale (Dominic Behan)
Subject: Irish 'love affair' one century ago?
I've just retrieved from DT's database the lyric of 'Avondale', a very lovely song written by Dominic Behan. The note at foot says:
«This song is about Parnell, the leader of the Irish Home Rule Movement in the 1880s. After a scandal about his sex life, his supporters, under a campaign of hatred by both the English press and the Catholic church, deserted him and he died shortly afterwards. MJ»

My knowledge of Irish history is very very poor. I had a look at an encyclopaedia, but I found only a few lines about Parnell. I would like to know some more about this song and Parnell scandal (by the way, at the present sex scandals are in!). Thank you

P.S. HERE you can listen at the song as sung by Al O'Donnell.