The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159467   Message #3816878
Posted By: Severn
28-Oct-16 - 12:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Olddude for president
Subject: RE: BS: Olddude for president
Whether his Emperosity is putting me out to posture or merely being put out by my posturing like my mother was ("Straighten up! You'll get curvature of the spine!"), I'll have to continue on as I am. I can't even stand at attention anymore on these legs of mine after what I've gone through, health-wise. At least this Attention Deficit should keep me out of any further military service. I'm even too poor now to pay attention......

........Were you saying something, your Hyenas?......Something about wanton? .....I seem to remember ordering the Hot & Sour Soup.....Oh, Waiter!......(Why do we call THEM waiters when we have to do the waiting?).....And you said something about scales. I have nothing to do with you having scales, though. I just have to deal with the ones on the fish that we worship, but I suppose any other scaly varmints are welcome to worship here......But seeing there is a tension between us, it only seems to make the span far as I can remember......

The Rev. Sev
Something about worship of fish, as I recall......