The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29683   Message #381694
Posted By: Little Hawk
24-Jan-01 - 09:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Internet Romance, watch out!
Subject: RE: B.S. Internet Romance, watch out!
Good story, Spaw. I was always avoiding going to bat, cos I figured there was no hope anyway! Talk about a self-defeating attitude. Then I'd finally work my nerve up (after months of slowing going mad over some female) and try some tentative tactic...and it would totally not work. Aaarrggghhh! Then I'd retreat back into my shell and sing bitter Dylan lyrics. I almost started to hate women, but not near as much as I hated myself...

I hated the other men too, specially the ones who went out with the girls I liked.

It was just one big hate-fest.

Okay, enough of that...I'm getting depressed just thinking about it.

Kat - Yeah, most of them. No apologies. I don't mean they lack confidence in every way...just in this way or that way. In my experience, 97% of the women in the world, for example, think their nose isn't shaped right...or their hair isn't curly enough...or straight enough...or thick enough...or it's too thick. They commiserate with their girlfriends for hours about this kind of stuff. They wonder why they keep going out with jerks. I've heard them. That's lack of confidence in a specific area. The girl might be entirely confident in several other areas.

Doubts? We've all got 'em, to some extent.

Like I'm feeling insecure right now, cos I don't think I spelled "commiserate" right, and I don't have a dictionary handy. Aaaargh!

I'm gonna talk to my shrink about it tomorrow, if possible. :-)

- LH

p.s. Yeah, I know there's an online dictionary somewhere, but I don't know where, and I'm too lazy to look for it right now. Double Aaarghh!