The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160853   Message #3817353
Posted By: Senoufou
31-Oct-16 - 05:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Nationalism - a good or bad thing?
Subject: RE: BS: Nationalism - a good or bad thing?
This is such a knotty problem to disentangle isn't it? I've been giving this topic some thought (old brain cells creaking a bit) and I can't get it sorted out. I too love the area in which I live. I love all the cliches about Britain. (Accents, traditions, castles, cathedrals, gardens, cuisine etc) I do miss old Blighty when I'm abroad. But I also love the multicultural side of the UK. I love seeing people in different dress, new shops selling unusual food from other lands, hearing different languages spoken, and learning about Diwali, Eid and so on. If I were Nationalist, I suppose I'd be growling at all these things? And wanting to 'send them all home'? 'Not British, harrumph' etc? I certainly don't do that.

And when I'm in W Africa, I love it there too. And growl just a bit to see the younger folk drinking cans of Coke (quite new over there) and the young lassies wearing T shirts over their pagnes. I seem to want their traditions to be preserved too. I don't want all countries and peoples to be exactly the same, I like their individual quirks and ways. Is this Nationalism, Patriotism, Traditionalism or what?

I've come to the conclusion that love of one's country is fine, if it's combined with love of one's fellow human beings everywhere, and enjoyment of other cultures/lands. Without judging, chauvinism, aggression or xenophobia.
Sounds a bit wet and sappy I suppose, but it's the best I can come up with. ("Peace and Love, man!" and all that. I'm still a Hippy at heart!)