The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160853   Message #3817386
Posted By: Backwoodsman
31-Oct-16 - 10:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Nationalism - a good or bad thing?
Subject: RE: BS: Nationalism - a good or bad thing?
""I've come to the conclusion that love of one's country is fine, if it's combined with love of one's fellow human beings everywhere, and enjoyment of other cultures/lands. Without judging, chauvinism, aggression or xenophobia."
A perfect summing up of a difficult subject - a definite "wish I'd said that"
"It is the duty of the government of any country to work in the best interests of the electorate of that country."
Certainly not - it is the duty of any Government to work in the best interests of every singly occupant of that country, or at the very least, t6ake all their interests into consideration, no matter whether they voted, who they voted for and wherever they came from.
People vted for Brexit largely to get rid of immigrants - the well being of the country as a whole came a very poor second.
Given the shambolically uncertain outcome, it would be interesting to see the result if the vote was held again.
Brexit was an example of nationalism at its very worst and most dangerous - a racists charter"

A thousand times "Amen" to all of that, Jim.