The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160727   Message #3817435
Posted By: Jim Carroll
31-Oct-16 - 03:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: What does 'anti-semitism' mean?
Subject: RE: BS: What does 'anti-semitism' mean?
"They did Jim. I was truthful and accurate."
So it was truthful and accurate that "ordinary Jews" celebrated the death of burned to death children and the politicians bore no blame - do I have thay right?
It was ordinary Jews who marched through the streets of Tel Aviv demanding the annihilation of all Palestinians and the politicians bore no blame - is that right?
That's exactly what you said.
"and the politicians bore no blame"No. It only shows groups of Jews, not government officials."
So - if the politicians had nothing to do with all this - then it must be how you regard the behaviour of "ordinary Jews" - is that right?
When will you ever learn - every time you put finger to keyboard you dig yourself further in the shit-hole you have created for yourself
First, your defence of "harmless" antisemitism by British fascists at a time when German Jews were being primed for Auschwitz.
Then your Jewish pact of silence in Parliament to protect the Party.
Then your refusing to accept that the hate speech of Israeli leaders has bought about these demonstrations of obscene hatred and it is all the fault of "ORDINARY JEWS
I don't blame the ordinary Jewish people - you do.
I don't absolve the leaders for inciting these crimes against human beings - you do - just as you have excused every single crime these monsters have been guilty of.
My target has always been the Israeli regime - yours has always been the Jewish people who oppose that regime
Your description of the Jewish People is as obscenely racist as is your view of the "Implanted Muslims".
Jim Carroll