The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160853   Message #3817528
Posted By: Jim Carroll
01-Nov-16 - 08:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Nationalism - a good or bad thing?
Subject: RE: BS: Nationalism - a good or bad thing?
"Mass immigration drives DOWN wages"
Not according to official figures - this is one of the great myths used by politicians who rely on the race card to win popularity - one of the oldest political lies in the book.
Employers drive down wages, not immigrants, who are being used as scapegoats, as they always have been.
Even if it were true, the answer would be to regulate wages, not drive out refugees from conditions we have played a major part in creating.
We continue to sell arms to despots who create the conditions these impoverished people are fleeing from and we fill our shops with their products.
This is plain, simple racism - it is not even good economics - and it is totally devoid of a shred of humanity.
I've said this before, but if wartime Britain had adopted the same stance as is being adopted here, there would have been a lot more dead Jews.
The people you pay lip service to getting rid of to create a better world stay in power by turning the poor against the poorer, and you have made yourself a strident advocate of that disgraceful tactic - shame on you - it totally undermines any claim you make to being a socialist.
Jim Carroll