The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160877   Message #3817866
Posted By: Backwoodsman
03-Nov-16 - 02:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: No poppies for me
Subject: RE: BS: No poppies for me
The problem is with people abusing non-poppy wearers, not the other way round. It's been called poppy fascism and it's a damn shame."

No, that's the biased POV of a non-poppy wearer. The problem is with people of either persuasion abusing those who don't share their practice.

As I said at the beginning, it's personal choice - I choose to wear the poppy but I don't criticise non-wearers for not doing so, they have the right. By the same token I will not, and do not, accept criticism from those to don't wear poppies. This incident was by no means the first time I've been accused of 'celebrating' war simply because I choose to wear an emblem of remembrance.