The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160853   Message #3817881
Posted By: Stu
03-Nov-16 - 04:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Nationalism - a good or bad thing?
Subject: RE: BS: Nationalism - a good or bad thing?
"Plus of course it would include the British nationalism displayed by many in the No campaign itself."

It's quite interesting how the Scot nats distance themselves from the Brit nats. Scottish nationalism has (at least in the mind of it's supporters) elevated itself to a level of political sophistication and is possessed of a far more noble spirit of civic inclusivity than could ever be south of the border. It distances itself from it's willing participation in Empire and the subsequent consequences of it's actions as part of the union; a rewriting of history designed to reinforce the self-image of Scots as an oppressed people, never part of the machine of oppression. Scotland has been failed by Westminster for sure, but then so has any part of the UK outside the M25. Independence can be achieved without the sort of sneering we see from nats of all nations on these islands.

This distortion of history and air of superiority is exactly what nationalism is about, and is startlingly similar in some respects to Brit nationalism. Whilst the question of sovereignty is a legitimate one (perhaps the only one in the case of leaving the EU), the Scots are happy to cede theirs to Brussels rather than Westminster. This is all well and good (and were I a Scot I would vote for independence and staying in the EU), but it makes a mockery of Scottish self-determination in every aspect of their life as the point of being in the EU is decisions are made collectively for the good of the whole and these decisions will at some point run counter to the wishes or even best interests of some of the states involved.

Scottish nationalism is far more about standing under the Saltire flicking the V's to Westminster as Brexit is Little Englanders doing the same under the butcher's apron to Brussels than it is about sovereignty or the right to self-determination.

Nationalism is about divisions, about the reverting of states from trading blocks and social progression to isolationism and wall-building. It is retrogressive and I'd like to think that one day a world without nationalism will exist, and people can get on with working out how to live together.