The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160877   Message #3817887
Posted By: Mr Red
03-Nov-16 - 06:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: No poppies for me
Subject: RE: BS: No poppies for me

What troubles me is what I perceive as a form of jingoism and a nation looking inwards on itself.

confirmation bias card played there IMNSHO.

Trying (OK as best I can) to be objective and see both viewpoints I still re-iterate:

"lest we forget".
War is brutal. Peace is the reason we should remember. And how ya gonna get a settled public who have no concept of the privations of being occupied, to realise? A poppy is a small price to pay for peace. Not a cure, but give me your sure fire method to ensure peace for our time.

Geeze - just because Trump and Farrage and Assad et al are jingoistic, doesn't mean the humble poppy is. Christ - get real people. Lambaste the leaders that seek to misuse it!