The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160727   Message #3817961
Posted By: Jim Carroll
03-Nov-16 - 01:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: What does 'anti-semitism' mean?
Subject: RE: BS: What does 'anti-semitism' mean?
"Jim, none of the personal stuff you accuse me of is true."
I think there are enough people around to know yur track record but I'mm happy to pull it up if you like
Christ almighty- your "brainwashed to hate Britain" accusation was only a few months ago
I've lost count of the number of times you've confirmed your "implant" claim.
It's all there Keith - I'll make a start of putting it together tonight
How stupidly dishonest can you get?
This one from a few posts up to be going on with

ubject: RE: BS: Ireland-What happened?
From: Keith A of Hertford - PM
Date: 16 Dec 10 - 12:57 PM
Jim Carroll
"When the news of the extermination of the Jews reached Britain one Tory Minister described it "the invention of whingeing Yids"."
"Who was it?
What is your source?
Silly songs don't count, or I could post "Who Do You Think You Are Kidding Mr Hitler" as proof to the contrary!"

One of the "silly songs" referred to.

Land of dope and Jewry
Land that once was free
All the Jew boys praise thee
Whilst they plunder thee
Poorer still and poorer
Grow thy true-born sons
Faster still and faster
They're sent to feed the guns.

Land of Jewish finance
Fooled by Jewish lies
In press and books and movies
While our birthright dies
Longer still and longer
Is the rope they get
But—by the God of battles
'Twill serve to hang them yet.

"Onward, conscript army…you have naught to fear.
Isaac Hore-Belisha …will lead you from the rear.
Clad by Monty Burton [Jewish clothes- and uniform maker],… fed on Lyons' pies [Jewish restaurant and tea shop chain];
Fight for Yiddish conquests …while the Briton dies.
Onward, conscript army, marching on to war.
Fight and die for Jewry… as we did before.
You must die for Poland…pay your debt of thanks
All your benefactors…international banks.
So place against the Germans…beneath the Jewish star
Onward toward the shambles…Goy cattle that you are!
"Poor, persecuted Jewry"…will finance war again.
Forward for the slaughter… for the Hebrews' gain.

Driven toward the shambles…like a flock of sheep
By lying propaganda…by their plans laid deep.
So for Israel Moses Sieff…you must fight and die
That Marks & Spencer's [department store] neon sign…May still light up our sky.
Forward, on to Poland…10 million men shall fall,
That Judah's reign of terror…May hold us all in thrall."
"Jim, this is about anti Semitism, not Israel."
You really do have to be joking!!!!!!!
Jim Carroll