The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160853   Message #3818335
Posted By: Raedwulf
05-Nov-16 - 12:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nationalism - a good or bad thing?
Subject: RE: BS: Nationalism - a good or bad thing?
Not in any of our lifetimes, I'm afraid. And this is very definitely a patriot talking (typing). But then, I suppose, that is also central to my view of patriotism - there's no room for hatred.

As an Englishman, of course I hate the Scots & the Welsh! ;-) But in a friendly way. If you see what I mean. I know there are celts who genuinely hate the English. And equally stupid English who hate... whatever. But that's Nationalism, not Patriotism.

I know about a lot of the shit stuff that England, Britain, & Europe have done down the centuries (most of it to each other!). I remain proud of the good things that England, Britain, Europe have done, believing that we were trying to make the world a better place. Why should I hate anyone? I don't think that being English, British, European, makes me better than anyone else. Just different. But Nationalism? Oh dear... :-/ If you see what I mean...