The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160890   Message #3818398
Posted By: Steve Shaw
05-Nov-16 - 05:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit again
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit again
David Cameron didn't imagine for one second that he would ever have to deliver on his "Article 50 Tomorrow" promise. When he lost the vote he was totally stuffed, and that was one of the main reasons. He couldn't deliver, so he buggered off dead quick like. He lied to us, just like Gove, Johnson and Farage lied to us. What a bloody shambles. But never mind, because "the British people have spoken." All 37% of 'em. After months of being fed a pack of lies. Still, we mustn't think of overturning the result, must we? Far too undemocratic!

Never ever thought I'd find meself on the same side as Ken Clarke... 🙁