The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29891   Message #381987
Posted By: duart
25-Jan-01 - 07:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Scottish National Anthem
Subject: RE: BS: Scottish National Anthem
As an exile from the old country for 30+ years, I'm glad the Scots got rid of "Scotland the Brave" (terrible to have to listen to at Burns' nights in Australia with over-arrogant professional"Scots" who had never been there ,never mind lived there;) so it was a relief to become aware that a lovely song by my all-time favourite folk-song duo had been adopted by first of all the rugby union guys and then gradually by almost everyone as the 'National Anthem'. But I do agree with those who have voted for "Freedom Come All Ye" by Hamish Henderson, its lyrics are truly wonderful, promoting freedom, anti-racism,socialism and brother- and sister-hood for all humans the world over. The song's main drawback, as I see it , is that the lyrics are in Lallans or Old Scots, and even most people living in Scotland today would almost need a glossary to understand them, let alone the rest of the English - speaking world! If for only this reason I think we have to stick with "Flower". Hope this is taken in a positive sense.