The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160877   Message #3820214
Posted By: Raedwulf
12-Nov-16 - 06:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: No poppies for me
Subject: RE: BS: No poppies for me
Funny how often you manage to make right sound wrong, though. And that's when you are right. I never "declared" that I was a "specialist", shit for brains. I said it was a particular interest. I'm merely a history buff, not a professional, not a historian, no degrees to my name. What are your qualifications, Mr "I'm Always Right, How Dare You Argue With Me!"? Oh, and whilst you're busy sneering & name-calling (yes, I'm joining in, childish isn't it? But I recognise that. Do you?), permit me to remind you that I have not only agreed with you in the past, I've actually spoken up for you as well, cos you are, at times, put upon unfairly. On the other hand, you're also an abrasive, antagonistic, smug, self-righteous **** who never admits he is wrong about anything.

As for Jim (hello Jim!), I can have a civil discussion with Jim. We can agree to disagree. And I'm not usually here very much. I never knew it was compulsory. So my "silence" is hardly "strange". Oh. Wait. It must be, because Teribus is never, ever wrong. About anything.

You have frequently proven that you can't see fog, and as for "restricted and bound by his own warped"... I really am just ROFLMFAO. You have often brought light into Mudcat threads. But you have never learnt, are never going to learn, that you can do that with a candle. Or a lantern. Nah. You have to throw a flash grenade. Or napalm. You'd rather sit there in your smug, isolated, not always right righteousness, than actually get your point across.

More fool you. How many people have advised you not to post down the years, I wonder? Quite obviously you've never listened to their advice, so why should anyone listen to yours?