Those are indeed highly probable predictions. But the conclusions you drw from them are open to question.
We have indeed to work with the new US, in the same sense that we have to work with Putin's Russia, with Iran, and with Zimbabwe. The relationship should be one if cautious courtesy, rather than frieendship. That should be reserved for the peoples of those countries.
As for negotiating our way out of the EU, there can be no logic to the suggestiin that there is any point in keeping our initial negotiating position secret, since as soon as negotiations commence it will be revealed. Our final negotiating position, if that is different, is another matter, since once this is revealed it becomes the starting position.
There might be something to be said in favour of a take-it-or leave it approach to negotiations instead.
And there is a great deal to be said for giving people a chance to say whether they agree with this, if it is in any way different from the total break which appears to be that which seems to be implied by "Brexit is Brexit".