The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160877   Message #3821361
Posted By: Jim Carroll
18-Nov-16 - 10:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: No poppies for me
Subject: RE: BS: No poppies for me
Seems like a new picture is emerging here
On the one hand we are told about a well led army on the other we have the raving madman liar like Brigadier-General Frank Percy Crozier and cold-blooded killers like Captain Bowen-Colthurst (the murderer of Skeffington Sheehy in Dublin in 1916) - not to mention an army made up of lying soldiers.
What exactly are we supposed to commemorate - it seems to be officers who are not fit to lead cattle, never mind a generation of young men to their deaths – and men who are incapable of distinguishing truth from fiction.
It seems that officers are not immune to being called liars if their stories don't measure up to Colonel Blimp's jingoism.
"Jim, summary execution was not permitted. Your general could not have done what he claimed."
Oh dear, Village idiot school out – is it that time already?
Thjis is what this argument is about - can't you work the answer to that one yourself Keith?
Jim Carroll