The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160923   Message #3821543
Posted By: Donuel
19-Nov-16 - 11:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Our Apology
Subject: RE: BS: Our Apology
We have had legalized segregation before. We have had internment camps for Japanese Americans. Are Muslims too good to be relocated?
We have had suspension of habeas corpus. We have suspended Congress before. We have had The Indian Wars in which history has been successfully rewritten. We even had the war of Northern Aggression for a short time.

Seldom do we have a chance for a do over or second coming in policy.
AS long as the new administration can maintain a respectful fear, the citizens will remain silent as everything old is new again.

It is important everyone feels a divisiveness. A distinction will be made between old moldy laws and new fresh start laws. Finally a clear interpretation of the 1st 2nd, 5th and 14th amendments will make whites free again.

News will be made from the ground up. Fake news will be great news again. Perception is reality and the new reality will be more than fair and balanced. FKE News is real. Fear is real and so is revenge.

Examples will be made. Some in public and some in secret because it is obviously better to be feared than respected. So please sign the loyalty pledge to the President. United we stand, divided you fall.
You will be safe as long as you obey the Silent Patriot Rule. The power of the new USA depends upon it.

In time Greg and Bearded Bruce will walk hand in hand together.
In Silence Unity. In Bribery prosperities. In revenge Freedom.