The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160877   Message #3821677
Posted By: Teribus
20-Nov-16 - 03:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: No poppies for me
Subject: RE: BS: No poppies for me
punkfolkrocker - 19 Nov 16 - 01:00 PM

This discussion is all about a very specific accusation made by members of this forum that it was common practice, sanctioned by those commanding the British, Commonwealth & Empire forces during the First World War, that summary executions were carried out. Again pfr please note that the contention was that these executions WERE carried out, no "maybe", no "might have been", no "could possibly have happened". Keth A of Hertford, myself and others in previous threads on the subject of the First World War challenged that definite statement that any such summary executions occurred in the British Army with result that to date not one single example of such an execution has been put forward by those levelling the accusation that they did.

We are dealing with the actual history of the period and of the events. I am not interested in wild speculation, which under no circumstance can ever replace hard fact. Historians are NOT creative artists and if I were studying a period in history and wanted to know the reality of that period the works I would go to would be those written by Historians who specialised in the various aspects of that period {Social, Political, Economic, Military} I would not refer to a speculative creative artist for any information upon which to base any argument about the period in question.