The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160973   Message #3822067
Posted By: Steve Shaw
22-Nov-16 - 09:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Serious Yet Abt Ending Climate Change?
Subject: RE: BS: Serious Yet Abt Ending Climate Change?
Well who'd have bet 200 years ago that the carbon dioxide would be up by a third, that it would be causing terrible damage and that we still wouldn't have much of a clue as to what to do with it or get it under control. Such benign, non-poisonous stuff! Apocalyptic scare-stories about nuclear waste and accidents are just about all the so-called green lobby have in their armoury. Yet, considering that we've been far too blasé about it in the past, nuclear's track record is pretty good. As technology advances, nuclear waste storage and recycling will become more efficient and secure. We didn't abandon air travel because there were so many disasters in the 50s and 60s. Instead, we made the technology better. As for Fukushima, well it wasn't exactly on purpose. It was our fault for putting the bloody thing where we did, but call it an accident, call it stupidity, call it an act of God, but all we can do is incorporate what happened into our nuclear learning curve.

As for turbines and solar farms being so bloody lovely to look at, well stick 'em all up round your house, not all over Cornwall or Scotland. You buggers in the big towns are the ones who simply must have aircon in your hermetically-sealed office blocks. Round here, they are no more than the means for already-rich landowners to get even richer by doing nothing on their fat arses, taking their thirty of forty thousand per turbine "subsidy" and downing double whiskies in the lounge bar whilst moaning about foreigners and benefits cheats. Come and see!

Cheers, Senoufou. Nice corrective to Iain's blame game.