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Thread #160890   Message #3822219
Posted By: Steve Shaw
23-Nov-16 - 07:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit again
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit again
If the Referendum showed anything at all DtG it showed how ill-informed and clueless our elected representatives were on both sides of the argument.

...our "professional politicians" of all shades, who have f****d up right royally over the last couple of decades...

Well you say all this but you persist in telling us that we must respect the democratic will of the people wot have spoken, etc. So you don't mind that the referendum was a charade predicated on a bunch of lies from one side and wholesale scaremongering from the other, all appealing to the lowest instincts of the people, with good information scarcely getting a look-in. When you're ready, do tell us what all this has to do with real democracy and how it legitimises the referendum.

In my view Article 50 should not be triggered until the people of this country are presented honestly with the terms of our leaving. They should be asked the question "In light of the negotiated terms for brexit, should the government still go ahead and start the process of leaving the EU, or should we remain a member of the EU?"

(And please don't give me the old guff about "not showing our hand." The EU knows full well already what our hand is. The only reason May doesn't want to show her hand is that she doesn't want the people of this country to see the embarrassing fudges and compromises she's going to have to make. We saw the EU getting very hawkish yesterday during the visit of the farcical buffoon David Davis. Quite right too. Pour encourager les autres).

That would be far closer to my idea of democracy. I don't believe in referendums, but we are where we are to coin a cliche, and I also don't believe that this issue has been addressed according to best practice within our democracy, and a single issue general election (how's that for an oxymoron...) would be even worse. If there's anything especially undemocratic about asking people if they want to change their minds in the light of vital new information, well I'm waiting for you to tell me what it is.