The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160890   Message #3822591
Posted By: Howard Jones
25-Nov-16 - 04:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit again
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit again
Keith, you are mixing up politics and law. Whilst the referendum result was a political decision which Cameron, May and Corbyn all feel politically obliged to accept, in legal terms it was not a decision made in accordance with the country's constitution, which is required for Article 80 to be triggered. We are awaiting clarification of whether the constitutional decision can be made by the government alone or by Parliament. That clarification is essential if Article 50 is to be correctly and successfully invoked.

Whatever was said by politicians during the campaign, or afterwards, about accepting the result or immediately implementing Article 50 were simply politicians' promises and we all know what those are worth. They were not the only misleading statements and promises made. But in any event, even where politicians intend to keep their promises they can only act within the law, as the courts frequently have to remind them.