The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161014   Message #3822806
Posted By: Jim Carroll
26-Nov-16 - 09:33 AM
Thread Name: Obit: So long, Fidel Castro (1926-2016)
Subject: RE: BS: So long, Fidel
Castro's Cuba held the most powerful and aggressive State in the world, 90 miles off its shores, at arms length for half a century - that, apart from lifting the country output of american-backed fascism - that ought to be worth a chest-ful f medals, at least.
Personally, Castro survived 87 C.I.A. assassination attempts and the country suppressed one abortive invasions - again, supported and armed by the world's most powerful and aggressive State, 90 miles off its shores.
It has survived a 4+ decade long embargo, imposed by the U.S. and slavishly followed by 'The Fee World' (sic)
In those circumstances, it is a bit unreal to expect an open and free society to develop naturally - the new State has been in a permanent state of siege for most of it's conversion from the "America's open sewer' that it was, to what it has become now.
Some years ago, I watched a documentary on those sadly pathetic exiles who backed the Bay of Pigs fiasco - still proudly claiming that, on Castro's death, Cuba would be returned to its rightful owners - the handful of families who allowed Cuba to be used as a brothel and money-launderer for the scum of the earth - from Al Capone down.
I am not surprised that Bobad has added Cuba to his hit-list of States that don't bow down to the rich and powerful of the world Bozo- No Brain is where he always has been - the rightest of right.
Jim Carroll