The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160923   Message #3822879
Posted By: Jim Carroll
26-Nov-16 - 02:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Our Apology
Subject: RE: BS: Our Apology
"Whatever is said ,YOU will make it your business to "paraphrase" it as you did with my post concerning Obamacare."
Then you won't comment for fear of misrepresentation - what on earth are you doing on a public forum?
"Amending what people write "
Been here before Ake - I have never amended anything and presented it as having been said - I summed up your attitude to others and caricatured it, and it is disingenuous of you to suggest otherwise, having already had that explained to you.
What is "cowardly and disingenuous is supporting a fascist thug and refusing to acknowledge what he is and what he has said.
Feel free to identify yourself in that description - that is actually what you and your buddies are doing.
The reason you will not respond is, that having done so, you will then have to take responsibility for what you are supporting.
Nobody needs to paraphrase what Trump the Thump has said - he speaks every statement of hate and contempt for humanity loud and clear
Of course, once more you will remain silent on this and hide behind your blanket support.
That is the MASK you have chosen to hide behind
Jim Carroll