The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160890   Message #3823459
Posted By: Jim Carroll
29-Nov-16 - 08:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit again
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit again
"Freedom of movement was policy to attract "cheap labour" "
Is there no end to your idiocy Ake?
Free movement was one of the greatest opportunities to alleviate the problem of national unemployment - you are, once again, blaming a half-decent idea on those who would exploit it - the employers.
It would work perfectly in countries which had the decency to establish laws governing minimum levels of wages.
Your "if we have to go hungry, let's go hungry in our own country" is pathetic Little Englandism in the extreme.
Freedom of movement prevented another million Irish people from starving to death, thanks to British callous (and probably deliberate) mismanagement of a natural disaster in the 19th century.
Thanks to the fact that Britain is reneging on its responsibilities of Empire and wars it has been part of causing and has abandoned all pretence of humanity for the refugee crisis it is part of causing, it is not working for the refugees - we'd rather stand by and watch dead children acrried out of the sea.
Worth sayin agaain - if the Britain of the 1930s and 40s, had adopted the same callous insularit as is being shown now, there world have been far more dead Jews than there actually were.
We have become a cold, unfeeling and Xenophobic nation and Brexit has made that official.
Let's hope Britain is never desperately in need of help as these people are
Jim Carroll