The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161063   Message #3824942
Posted By: CupOfTea
06-Dec-16 - 07:59 PM
Thread Name: The maiden and the gig
Subject: RE: The maiden and the gig
I'm playing the old lady card as much as I can! There are times when the arthritis kicks in with pain and a limp that make me feel fragile. So many musicians I picture as the young lads and lasses they were when we first met are now white haired parents or grandparents.

I don't look my age, and appreciate that I have many vital, active sharp friends in their 80s and 90s, yet my penchant for trad, and number of years being on the organizational side of folk music makes me "old" within my community. Many of the younger folkies I spend time with remind me of how old they were when I talk about last century's fun, yanno? I know they are the strength and future for the music, and I want to encourage 'em, so I try not to trot out my stories every time they come to mind. When it's relevant I don't hesitate.

Thank you all for the words of congrats and encouragement. Mudcat is so full of interesting folks who share their knowledge so graciously, and I have benefited hugely from what I learn here.

Yep, I'm still smiling.
Joanne in Cleveland HEIGHTS ( to be geographically accurate)