The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161095   Message #3826358
Posted By: Donuel
13-Dec-16 - 08:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Washington Post breaking news
Subject: RE: BS: Washington Post breaking news
"From: Donuel - PM
Date: 10 Dec 16 - 12:37 PM

When $ became free speech, when elections are decided by Courts and the Citizens United case allowed foreign $ to be used in super PACs the stage was set for no holds barred from crooked elections.

No one doubts the results of the election will not change but what I as an American will call a Constitutional Crises are all the Senators and representatives who willingly support Russian covert actions because they liked the result. Can we prove treason? Only if can prove who knew what and when did they know it - and that is nearly impossible.

Comey knew about the Russians efforts hacking only Democrats. All the Intelligence agencies knew for 6 months but Trump throws them under the bus and does not believe or trusts them."

some of the info above is only now legally declassified.

I admit American regime change is far bloodier than hacked email with dubious interpretation before an election.

"To win an election it is not who has the most votes, its who counts the votes."
Vladimir Putin