The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161095   Message #3826447
Posted By: Donuel
14-Dec-16 - 11:03 AM
Thread Name: BS: Washington Post breaking news
Subject: RE: BS: Washington Post breaking news
Good to see you making hay bruce.

The US was worn down by the longest lasting wars on several fronts.
Syria and the Ukraine were just several wars to many for the country to bear.

The US has a terrible record in preventing genocides and holocausts.
War mongers have a military Pez toy. They press the button and another war candy pops up. It is unwise to eat them all.

Surely you are not jealous of a Russian warm water port that can accommodate Russia's one and only aircraft carrier that needs towing much of the time?

I have more evidence regarding Poland that is not classified but expresses the lack of confidence in NATO after Trump tweets.

If you have a useful idiot it is important to use them immediately because - they tend to be IDIOTS. They have a tendency to have a short shelf life.