The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29969   Message #382651
Posted By: Justa Picker
25-Jan-01 - 07:25 PM
Thread Name: Internet romance part 2
Subject: RE: Internet romance part 2
Some of my experiences.

The harder you look for someone to be with, the more elusive it is. Never project an air of neediness or desperation. Doing so shows certain vulnerability which certain opportunists may capitalize upon -some sincere, some not...but it's like wearing a sign that says either "VICTIM" or "TARGET" or "PLEASE USE/LOVE ME".
Always wait for the other to initiate or make the first move, no matter how much you want to jump his/her bones. Keeps them off balance and they will work harder to "make you like them". And never lose your cool. You can do primal screams when you get home, if contact wasn't initiated. Remember in certain situations dating is a lot like playing poker or Eucre. You want a poker face and you don't want to play your trump card till the other one has first.

Generally, you'll find love, romance, companionship, etc....when you are NOT looking for it. You just sort of stumble into it and it catches you off guard.

And why is it when you're single, it's impossible to get a decent date, but if you're married offers abound? (Perhaps it is because you are already taken, that makes you appear more desirable, because the attracted party figures you must be a hot commodity? (..I guess I just answered my own question.)