The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158911   Message #3826688
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
15-Dec-16 - 12:09 PM
Thread Name: Yet More Clutter's Last Stand - 2016
Subject: RE: Yet More Clutter's Last Stand - 2016
Patty - I also have been working my way through media, converting the analog VHS tapes that are unique (stuff not likely to turn up on DVD or NetFlix that I want to keep). Family videos I'm keeping, but others are going in the e-waste recycle bin at work.

I have a stack of papers that need attention, in particular an account closed once that didn't seem to stay closed, etc. I checked my free credit report and the closed account that isn't closed seems to be undetected by the agencies I looked at. Decluttering accounts that I don't use that are still active is a goal for this month.

I must make myself get back to eBay - the work area is clear and efficient, but it is work and I need to get into the pace of it. I have a few things just just haven't sold - and will have to decide what to do with those. I have a bunch of cardboard book mailers I picked up years ago when they had way too many at the library (they were in the recycle bin). You might ask at your local library about how they mail those materials and if there is any overage that they might share with you.

I have materials for beading and jewelry that I want to get into, I have several projects in mind. But I need to designate a work space and I fear in the next few weeks those spaces will be in demand for a higher calling (the dining table for people to eat at, etc.)   

No snow here, but I need more exercise. You're an inspiration, ranger1!

My Goodwill bin is filling up, time to take the contents over to donate pretty soon. And a bag of recycling needs to be dumped in the bins behind city hall.

It seems time again soon to rearrange furniture. Do I want to put up a tree? If I do, I'll get it very close to xmas and it will be down before New Year's. I find the trees harvested for holiday use make me sneeze a lot, despite having grown up around and having worked in them for many years. The smell is great, the needles not so much. But I'm not to the point of buying an artificial tree, I'd have to store it in the attic and it gets awfully hot up there, probably not good for the man-made tree.

Good luck with the oral surgery, Linn. Once that clears up I'm sure you'll have a lot more energy.

mg, every little bit helps, doesn't it?