The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161135   Message #3827026
Posted By: Iains
17-Dec-16 - 04:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Fake News
Subject: RE: BS: Fake News
Once upon a time the discussion used to be about the fog of war, but there is very little about the peasouper of peace. Sexed up dossiers and mythical weapons of mass destruction used by Blair to take Britain to war, the Mysterious death of Dr Kelly, so clear cut there was no proper inquest and the Hutton enquiry is seen by many as inept and it's conclusions wrong. The government wanted to portray him as a walter mitty character yet had hired him to run Porton Down. Does a Walter Mitty character pass all the required security vetting for such a post?
When it comes to lying to the populace governments are past masters at it.