The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #158911   Message #3827255
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
18-Dec-16 - 05:33 PM
Thread Name: Yet More Clutter's Last Stand - 2016
Subject: RE: Yet More Clutter's Last Stand - 2016

I DID get that drape hemmed at each end before I left! It felt so good to finally get it done!! The dear old featherweight, circa 1954, runs like a top but the foot pedal only worked by hand! I pressed with thumb while moving fabric with other hand. Even after I took it apart and tried to "fix" it. That used to work. Maybe R can look at it when he is up next, hopefully Christmas. In any case, having the drape back on the kitchen door to keep heat in LR - and not having threads hanging down...!!!!

Word from Dan: 15 inches of snow; I phoned "snowplow Mike" and gave Dan his number as it is to do it again! SNOW! Work on wall is progressing. That will be such a treat! He is filling in every possible line of entrance for critters as he goes and putting in four new convenience outlets. Not that I will be plugging in lots of things but will be able to do so without ext cords! It will be wonderful to get the place into its new order!

And Dan will make sure drive is plowed the best way so we can get in when we get there at the end of this week.

I have determined that R really "needs" me here more so am working on being here more. I need a bit more civilization in this crummy house; today he turned on heat in upstairs so I have the option of doing some pottery. The frozen pipes are more of a problem so the alternative is finding a semi rural laundromat - on the way to the mill. My job.

R is so overwhelmed with what he needs to be doing that I hate to ask for anything but PLEASE even out that pile of papers! HE is now having a long nap, much needed! First "day off" in over a week. Yesterday he fell asleep in McD's about 3 pm! Not a first.

With the cold weather, I have only managed one glaze firing and did not even unload it. Tuesday I shall go at it again as it is to warm considerably. I'll do what I can before going to Beaver for Christmas.

As for de-cluttering here? Not my stuff - he put a coule pieces of paper in the recycling.... His brain is too tired or too taken up with necessary thoughts... I need to get more creative...

Google laundromat, Mercier QC!