The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160973   Message #3827939
Posted By: Steve Shaw
22-Dec-16 - 05:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Serious Yet Abt Ending Climate Change?
Subject: RE: BS: Serious Yet Abt Ending Climate Change?
Yes I read it, Jeri, thank you. I think the item does grave disservice to the crucial cause of getting everyone in board in the fight ahgainst climate change. Just look at these two extracts:

Threat level: Civilization-imperiling
Taken together, the remains of ancient grass, moss, and animals buried in permafrost add up to some 1,500 billion tons of carbon. Microbes munch on that reheated mulch, exhaling carbon dioxide that could further warm the atmosphere, which would melt even more permafrost and spur a runaway cycle of warming.

Threat level: Oh you'll be fiiiiine
In the past two years, French microbiologists have discovered two kinds of giant viruses buried deep within the Siberian permafrost. Those viruses were still infectious … to amoebas. The researchers warn that there could be other, nastier viruses, like smallpox, lurking beneath the surface, but they probably won't get you sick. Probably.

We have "microbes munching on reheate mulch." We have melting permafrost. We have giant viruses. We have weasel words ("French microbiologists have discovered...,"The researchers warn...," "even nastier viruses." The paragraphs have sensational headlines, replete in places with scaremongering allusions. Babies and bath water come to mind

What we need is careful, measured, objective scientific commentary, not the worst-of-the-worst tabloidesque popular science junk.