The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161185   Message #3828126
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
22-Dec-16 - 04:49 PM
Thread Name: The alternatve Wassail...
Subject: The alternatve Wassail...
I have mentioned this a couple of times in other threads before but the more I think about it, the more it should get a thread of its own.

This time of year we see and hear a lot about the Wassail. It seems to be our American cousins who keep the tradition more than we do in the UK but maybe that is just because I have never come across it in the area from which I hail - IE urban Manchester. I came up with the idea that the Wassail tradition that is celebrated now is one that has been recreated from the rose tinted spectacles of rural history. In many years to come I reckon that the urban Wassail will be recreated from the activities more commonly associated with the inner cities.

Stemming from Salford and Manchester the participants will not be Wassailers but Wassailants. Where in one old tradition apple trees were beaten with sticks to ensure a good crop and in another houses were visited to gain gifts, the urban tradition combines the two and the people in houses are beaten with sticks to gain gifts instead.

There is a traditional Wassailant garb of course, comprising of Nike hoodies, with the hoods firmly up, scarves across the lower face for anonymity and Adidas sweat pants with both hands tucked firmly down the front.

There has to be a calling on song and, after the first couple of attempts, I think I have discovered the one which scans best

Wassail, Wassail all over the place
Hand over your money or we'll break your face
Our clubs they are made of fine oak and ash
We're jolly Wassailants so give us your cash

Once the audience have had all the money beaten out of them the Wassailants leave with the traditional dance. This comprises of the players being chased by a fearsome creature known as 'Old Bill', in his blue suit and blowing a two-tone horn while the Wassailants skip and frolic merrily away pausing occasionally to give the friendly two fingered wave of adieu.

Have I missed anything?

:D tG