The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #160097   Message #3828531
Posted By: Joe Offer
24-Dec-16 - 05:31 PM
Thread Name: Camp New Harmony Workshop Signups- 2016-2017
Subject: RE: Camp New Harmony Workshop Signups- 2016-2017
From the Harmony List:

Well, the most interesting ballad for a two-hour workshop would have
to be the Geste of Robin Hood. I know: nobody knows it. YET.

The ballad with the most versions might be the Twa Sisters, or the
Twa Brothers. Cruel Mother is somewhat limiting, as the main real
difference is in the Christian or non-Christian afterlife she'll
have. Lord Thomas and Fair Eleanor has many versions (the Brown
Girl) and Thomas the Rhymer has different verses; we can each choose
our favorites; Hind Horn is equally a long, long story of which we
may sing similar but different slices.

You might get the most surprises/different versions with The Baffled
Knight,of which everyone may have a favorite version. The tedious
Maid Freed from the Gallows is also widely sung, with several tunes
and rhythms. Our Goodman (Seven Nights Drunk) and Sir Lionel (Wild
Boar in the Woods) are known by many and in many versions.

Something like Barbara Allen might get tiresome, since we all know
the same three versions. Does it have to be a ballad? Frankie and
Johnny has many versions and endings. How about a pretty tight
theme, such as crossdressing women or Robbers or Childbirth or
Discourteous knights? Or songs with "cruel" in them?

Looking forward to whatever you pick.

At 12/22/2016, you wrote:

> If I were to lead a workshop concentrating on one ballad, which
> one would you all prefer? Of which do we know the most versions?
> Two Sisters? Mathy Groves? Froggy went a courting? Lord Randall?
> Young Hunting? Cruel Mother? Many more? Please weigh in.