The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29940   Message #382912
Posted By: Skeptic
26-Jan-01 - 06:58 AM
Thread Name: BUSHwhacked Two!!
Subject: RE: BUSHwhacked Two!!

Speaking only for myself, I have never claimed the people who live in the red areas are rude, or that people in the blue areas aren't. Coming from a "red area", with most of my family and a lot of friends still living in same, good solid Republicans, Baptists and CofC members all, I look the liberty of sharing some of your insights with them. The quote I liked best was "Well, I agree with a lot he says. Obnoxious little SOB, though."

Sophomoric describes stereotyping and name calling, right, left or center. And is contrary to most ethical values, Christian or secular. Comments I have made about you reflect my opinion of your ideas and how you go about expressing them, not those of people in the "red areas" in general. Your attitude seems to be the opposite. To resort to name calling when someone doesn't agree with you is sophmoric. As is the unproven assumption of authorized omnipotence that usually is at the base of such actions.

As you are a fan of Drudge, What about his report of GWB's directive not to prosecute any of the vandalism. If it occurred and GWB decides not to prosecute, such a decision doesn't sit well in my "blue area". Or with people I know in the "red areas" either. This is man who took a solemn oath to uphold the laws of our country, who ran on a strong law and order platform and has nominated Ashcroft, who's in the same vein, as Attorney General. Actions seem at odds with his words. Pointing to failures by Clinton as justification evade the issue of character and honor.

Regards, John
