The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161262   Message #3830670
Posted By: punkfolkrocker
05-Jan-17 - 11:42 PM
Thread Name: when your mate disagrees
Subject: RE: when your mate disagrees
Most key important essential words I forgot to include earlier are "respect" and "trust"...

What I believe is more important than any music preferences is a healthy sense of humour....

Couples need it as they get old and fatter together, and the bed starts to creak along hairline cracks in the pine frame,
.. and old favourite sexual positions become increasingly more difficult and comical..

Plus in the hours we do share together, the wife needs regular attention to keep the miseries at bay..

If she needs a soothing hand up the front of her jumper for a few minutes
while she's watching laugh a minute shows like "Penguins say the funniest things" or "Cute kittens falling of balconies onto bulldogs"..
who am I to disobey..... 😇