The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161318   Message #3832945
Posted By: Steve Shaw
16-Jan-17 - 08:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
Subject: RE: BS: presidential nicknames - suggestions
Posted by Molly on the Gaughan forum, reproduced with permission, though she respectfully asks that you retain the attribution if you pass it on.


If the Protestants all pray
And the Buddhists chant a bit
And the rabbi in the synagogue
Gets Moses in on it
And the Catholics count their beads
And the Pope says it's OK
And if all the monks and friars
Pray their nuts off night and day
And all the shamans round the world
Get themselves into a trance
And the whirling swirling dervishes
Do their usual little dance
If the Sikhs all sing their hymns
And the Hindus rise at dawn
And the rest of us read the old I-Ching
The Bible or Koran
If the holy trumpets sound
And the drummers have a bash
If the Yogis levitate
And the Mormons raise the cash
If Mohammed rolls his sleeves up
(Peace and blessings be on him)
And the Baptists take a Sunday stroll
To the river for a swim
And if those who handle snakes
Stay steady and steadfast
And if those who practice Zen
Get nowhere pretty fast
If the preacher in the pulpit
Has his Bible there to thump
Do you think there's any chance
Of getting rid of Donald Trump?

Written by Sam Richards: a poet, writer and musician from Devon, England.