The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161496   Message #3838540
Posted By: Donuel
12-Feb-17 - 08:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Barthes: explanation of Trump's appeal
Subject: RE: BS: Barthes: explanation of Trump's appeal
Congratulations Bill. I felt bad a thread started by you was too easily dismissed. It was sort of like Elizabeth Warren being told to sit down.

Half a dozen times I've put out some fires and left some embedded suggestions which has changed behavior significantly.

As a vulgar populism sweeps the country I have witnessed the audacity of an established old bigotry is causing fist fights in strip Mall Parking lots and belligerent pick up truck drivers.

As Colbert and John Stewart asked for a return to sanity we should preserve the golden strings of musicians opinions to gather, soothe and educate instead of adding hate. Folk music may be the panacea of these times.

As a classical musician I know the unique brother and sisterhood among musicians in concert together and separately. It is a powerful source that can change emotions like no other expression. Music surpasses partisanship. It doesn't always work but it is beautiful when Bernstein accomplished this in both Israel and Berlin.

Admin gradually set up verbal metal detectors until we were all reminded of a kind of security that became the focus and a game to be waged and challenged. Old habits gradually fade.

Bill pass along my sentiments if they are concordant in any way.