The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6564   Message #38386
Posted By: Mary Tickel (ELLYZAHM@AOL.COM)
16-Sep-98 - 11:33 PM
Thread Name: Tune Req: O Whistle and I'll Come to You My Lad
Subject: RE: Tune: Burns's
Dear Dulcimer, It's mentioned in "These Happy Golden Years." Laura sang the chorus "Whistle and I'll come to you my lad...", after which 'Manly asked her, "Would you?" "Of course not! It's just a song."' (From Chapt. 20; "Nellie Olsen")

As for the Burns, I found the lyrics in "The Essential Burns", edited by Robert Creeley (1989).

Sincerely, Mary Tickel