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Thread #161445   Message #3839842
Posted By: Teribus
18-Feb-17 - 09:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: We're off, barring an earthquake
Subject: RE: BS: We're off, barring an earthquake
Admitted to the EEC 1973 sold to the British public as us joining a simple trading block (Basically lied to by our own government)
Referendum on whether to stay in 1975 what was supposed to be a trading block (Again lied to by our own Government)

Now I make that an interval of two years

Maastricht Treaty altered the EEC that we voted to join - British electorate not consulted
Lisbon Treaty introduced by the back door that markedly altered the EU we did not vote or seek to join - British electorate incensed at not being given the opportunity to have a say in this change ( Referendum promised by Brown but the Government reneged on it)
Referendum to leave 2016

I make that an interval of 41 years since last decision was put to the electorate of the UK.

Now apparently the "Remoaners" want a second referendum supported by Tony Blair (Failed EU Presidential Candidate) within 8 months - You have got to be joking.

The EU is currently in turmoil, people from all sides have been screaming that the EU requires radical reform and up until six months before the UK Referendum the EU has steadfastly refused to contemplate even the most modest reform programme - Now that the UK has voted to leave the EU is about to topple over an abyss?? It would appear that we have far greater influence leaving than ever we did being part of it - Even then what word of reform from the EU Commission?? - NOTHING - Under such circumstances I'd say it deserves to fail.

By the way what is "Tone" hoping to get out of this "intervention" of his? Another shot at becoming the next President of the EU - One thing is for certain he sure as hell will not have the UK's best interests at heart - only his own.