The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161452   Message #3842263
Posted By: Steve Shaw
01-Mar-17 - 06:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Uk Labour Party discussion II
Subject: RE: BS: Uk Labour Party discussion II
I wasn't knocking Hughie, Al, just reporting back what my mate said!

Teribus, you need to stop ranting on about "proven liars," etc. Nobody "proves" a damn thing about anybody else on this forum. "Proofs" of the kind you propagate are predicated on half-truths, omissions, missing the point, deserting the context, personal bias, axes to grind, the need for vengeance or out-and-out misrepresentation. Every time you call me or anybody else a "proven liar" you are making an arse of yourself. It's just empty, splenetic, distempered bile and it's almost certainly pissing a damn sight more people off than those who get any satisfaction from your horrible behaviour. If you think we deserve it, keep it to yourself and demolish us via measured, careful argument. Every time you feel the steam coming out of your ears at the keyboard you need to say to yourself that you shouldn't be starting from here.

Right. Back to the show...