The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161648   Message #3843988
Posted By: Joe Offer
09-Mar-17 - 04:09 PM
Thread Name: Why Protest Songs Against DJT won't work
Subject: RE: Why Protest Songs Against DJT won't work
Them's harsh words, Phil. I think if you actually knew some of these Hispanic people, you would perhaps be a little more compassionate.
It doesn't matter who invented the term "Hispanic Community" - the term serves the purpose of describing people in general terms. I suppose Cubans and Puerto Ricans generally have no reason to fear, but refugees from the rest of Latin America have great reason to fear the Trump roundups - no matter if they work in the fields or in the restaurants.

I certainly can't agree with OP Mathew's contention that protest songs are pointless and should stop, but this thread has made for an interesting discussion. So, Mathew, what response do you have for the responses? In what way do you mean that the songs "won't work"? - that they won't convince Trump to change his evil ways? Is there no value in singing protest songs to unify the opposition and give them hope and solidarity?


Here's what Wikipedia says about Hispanic. The Hispanic community in my area of California is primarily Mexican or Central American.