The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161585   Message #3844025
Posted By: Jim Carroll
10-Mar-17 - 03:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: uk by-elections
Subject: RE: BS: uk by-elections
"What I find strange is the silence here lately on the abolition of the House of Lords."
A;lmost as strange as your total refusal to respond to both the actions of Trump and the obvious detrimental effects of Brexit
You have refused to comment on both.
I have no time whatever for the medieval establishment that is The House of Lords, but, like the security services in the US, when they do happen to work to our advantage, you can only welcome their actions as crumbs from he rich man's table
Brexit is not only an economic and political mess, for Britain and also for its near neighbours - here in Ireland, it stands to totally wreck the peace process that has been struggling to help heal the scars over the last few decades.
Scotland voted against it, so an entire National Group within the British Isles has had something it does not want and economicaly, most certainly does not need, foisted upon it by little Englanders who have the strange idea that it can stand on its own two feet with no manufacturing industries, an accelerating gap between those who have and those who have less and less every day.
As far as the Lords are concerned, they are going by the book and demanding that any exit from Europe is done by the book.
Brexit was a populist vote instigated by racist scum like Ukip playing on the xenophobic fears and prejudices of the British people - "get rid of the foreigners and all your problems will be solved."
The Nazis of Germany were elected by such populism - had they been opposed six million Jews would not have been exterminated.
It is quite likely that France, Holland, and several other countries will elect fascist administrations in the near future with the help of the combined encouragement of Brexit and the goose-stepper in the White House.
Both will have achieved in a matter of months what Hitler failed to do over a decade and a half - let the fascist genii out of its bottle.
How about replying replying to the consequences of this stupid, flag-wagging decision Ake, instead of whingeing every time somebody put a legal obstacle in the way of your frightening Brave New World
People like you really do need top be stopped in your gallop - you stand to fuck up the future with your prejudices and hatreds
Jim Carroll