The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161668   Message #3844460
Posted By: GUEST,keberoxu
12-Mar-17 - 10:14 AM
Thread Name: ADD: French song, J'ai ma combine - translate?
Subject: RE: ADD: French song, J'ai ma combine - translate?
I'm no film buff, but even I can look things up at the Internet Movie Data Base website.

The funny thing about the song is that it came out of cinema. It actually comes from a 1930's film which appears to have been a star vehicle for said singer, I think his name was Georges Milton. The film was titled Le roi des resquilleurs, which has something to do with "gate-crashing." Milton himself was born in the 19th century and himself lived to a ripe old age, while his films -- he made a bunch -- date largely from before the Second World War.

After the War, there was a re-make of the film with different people; while Milton appeared in just a few more pieces before retiring.

As for Le Viager, it sounds hilarious.
Anybody remember The Wrong Box? That was based, not on an annuity, but on a tontine. Michael Caine looking impossibly young; Peter Cook and Dudley Moore as a team; Sir Ralph Richardson amongst others; and a Salvation Army street-corner musical band. When it's funny, it's FUNNY.