The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161452   Message #3845446
Posted By: Steve Shaw
17-Mar-17 - 08:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Uk Labour Party discussion II
Subject: RE: BS: Uk Labour Party discussion II
Phil Ochs would shit on your silly head. You don't deserve to breathe the same air. And I'll tell you about my flowers and the hole in my drive and my grub until the cows come home at times of my choosing. In the meantime, you used weasel words in place of debate. Bang to rights. You seem to think that I'll let that pass if you spout enough obfuscating shit in the meantime. But I won't. Ask Teribus. I have this ability to focus and get the bit between my teeth. You tried to bullshit us with weasel words about what "statistics show." Well we are not that stupid. Yes, "WE!"

Actually, since you mention it, I didn't quite get the hole filled as I met with complications that I won't bore you with, but I need to access a bit of hardcore before I can add the gravel topping. I possess the right materials and am halfway there. All this digging is making my muscles big. That is not intended as a threat. And I'm in a bad mood because I had to ditch my pasta e fagioli tonight due to a batch of borlotti beans that wouldn't soften even after two hours' boiling. Bastards. Bloody Waitrose too. I should have resorted to tinned but it was too late by the time I decided to ditch the project. Had to resort to a jar of pistachio pesto stirred into short pasta with added basil and Parmesan. Bloody good it was, but I hate culinary defeat. More on that later, in the words of Kirsty Wark. As for the flowers, I'll update you tomorrow, my little petal. 😆