The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30122   Message #384596
Posted By: GUEST
29-Jan-01 - 02:36 AM
Thread Name: U.S. growing more and more disturbing
Subject: U.S. growing more and more disturbing
I live in New York. Has anyone else noticed the growing "Shadow culture"? SHADOW CULTURE is a Carl Jung term he used it to describe Nazi Germany before W.W. 2 broke out. It's like a photo negative; the darker opposite.- The nasty election. Dubya's victory, He is a serial killer, sanctioned or not. The economic fear. How nasty everyone was in the temples, I mean Malls, over the holidays. Colin "what's gulf war syndrome?" Powell outlining how we will use force if war comes about.WHAT WAR? WITH WHO? The stealth bomber flying over head while Ray Charles sang America the Beautiful at the Super Bowl. A double murder suspect winning NFL and Super bowl MVP. How badly some folks are behaving, road rage x 10. sean puffy combs and his "every thing is wonderful" goose stepping opposites, Brittany nsync street boys.Angry NRA bumperstickers everywhere,and no one has bothered to informed bright eyes,I mean Mosses. err I mean Mr. Heston, that he should stop trying to make "beneath the planet of the apes" come to pass.I think/fear we will be marching off to war sometime soon, only question is who, why, when? probably oil.probably saddam, probably an ignorant onslaught of flag waving patriots and more angry bumperstickers. TRY BEING ESPECIALLY NICE TO EVERYBODY, ESPECIALLY THE RABID JERKS.MAYBE IT CAN BE PREVENTED.Feed back appreciated.